Friday, February 21, 2020

Ethical Hacking Final Challenges Research Paper

Ethical Hacking Final Challenges - Research Paper Example Therefore one of the vulnerabilities of MD5 is its possibility of resulting into collision attacks. The algorithm also gives room for any attacker to generate a collision. The practical abilities of such attacks results into the impersonation of the trusted roots CA by the attackers. The MD5 trustworthiness is reduced the moment an attacker posses the ability to construct forged data in various forms with the ability of causing software using MD5 (Simpson, 2010-03-17). All these underlying vulnerabilities are caused by a cryptographic primitive making the specific exploitation scenarios vary largely depending on the form of data that is prone to attack and the validation of the software. Microsoft has though tried to issue specific patch for flame which does not though eliminate completely the vulnerabilities caused by MD5 hence they recommend that – every CA that still makes use of MD5 should stop with immediate effect and to migrate to better hash functions. Those with certi ficates signed by MD5 should see on how to replace them immediately. The CA should therefore ensure that sensible cryptographic measures are used depending on the tasks they want performed in their respective organizations (Simpson, 2006). Challenge 2 MEMO TO: Bob Kaikea FROM: Network security Team DATE: 20th February 2013 SUBJECT: Port numbers and services that run on most networks A port number in computer networking is mostly the part of the addressing information that is employed in knowing who the senders and receivers and senders of messages within a network as used with TCP/IP connections (Simpson, 2010-03-17). The port numbers allow for the sharing of information by different applications on the same computer to share resources and they work like telephone extensions. The well known ports are an example of Port 80 that which explains to us what a port really is describing it as a virtual data used by software components to interact. Another is the DHCP which is the Dynamic H ost Configuration protocol. The DHCP server listens on this port and allocates your link the properties it has requested, e.g. IP address, network mask, default gateway and DNS server. Both ports 20 and 21 are known as random ports. While 21 is known as the TCP and is well designed for FTP control, the port 20 is the active FTP type and is designed for the actual transfer of data. Ports 23, 25, 53 and 110 are ports outside the range and they would be used to transfer actual data without the specified range. 23 is the Telnet, 25 acts for the simple mail transfer, 53 is the domain name saver and 110 acts as the Post Office Protocol version 3 (Simpson, 2006). In analyzing the services currently running for the Alexander Rocco Corporation, the ports being used must be keenly looked at to enhance the recovery of the ways to be used to curb the vulnerabilities. Challenge 3 Ethics and morality most so in the computer environment more or less revolves around the same thing that is ethics be ing a moral philosophy where one makes a moral choice and sticks to it. In our case it refers to the moral guidelines that an individual sticks to when using computers and computers networks including the encryption algorithms. It is unethical and therefore against the law to do the following when it comes to computers and computer networks. An individual should not indulge into using office computers to do personal work, one should never read

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

3 English Assignments Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

3 English Assignments - Assignment Example Below examples of all five definitions, this will hopefully help everyone understand vectors. Scalars are quantities that can only be measured. Temperature and time are examples of a scalar. Examples of time being measured would be a child’s word per minute (wpm). Supposes Child X reads 118 wpm. The equation for this example would be: This equation states velocity equals 17 meters per second. That is the measurement of velocity, but velocity has another part. Velocity also has direction. To correctly state velocity one must state an object is travelling 17m/s South. The measurement of velocity is called speed. Thus velocity is made up of direction and speed. Velocity is a quantity that can be defined as a vector. Directions as defined in relation to vectors are as seen on a compass; North, South, West, and East. In order to be considered a vector, the object must be going a direction that can be seen on the compass. If an individual is unsure if a quantity qualifies as a scalar or vector, just question if the quantity is heading a direction that can be mapped on a compass like the one below. The compass is separated into 360 °. Right angles are between each direction (N,S,E,W). North and South are separated by 180 °. Thus vectors are given a specific direction. Examples can be written two ways: The easiest way to explain this concept is the 30 ° North of East is 30 ° of the arrow from the East sign to the North sign or 60 ° North to the East side. The directions are 90 ° for each four sections of the compass. Vectors are quantities that have measure and direction. A bicycle, ball, car, and other objects can be measured and follow a compass direction. Vectors are symbolized as arrows and points. Below is an example of a vector. Vectors are simply something that can be measured with direction that can be tracked on the compass. Vectors are extremely important in physics. Vectors can be â€Å"acceleration, force,